What are the features of android and iOS apps?

What are the features of android and iOS apps?

Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iamretailer

iOS app:  https://apps.apple.com/in/app/iamretialer/id1499472510


Above 2 are our Opencart demo apps. and the features which are included in these apps listed below

App Features List:

1. Dynamic auto moving banners

2. Single level and Two-level categories

3. Simple and Configurable products with size, color, select dropdown, Radio, Checkbox

4. Product Stock with status and allow add to cart based on stock setup

5. Product images gallery

6. Home screen with banners featured and best selling products

7. Products Search with keywords

8. Products list with sorting options and pagination and ratings (newest, price low/high, popular products, name asc/desc)

9. Wish list products add and display

10. Products with selling and MRP prices

11. Dynamic currency change option

12. Showing approved Reviews of products / Add Review

13. Product Whatsapp share

14. Product gallery with pinch-zoom images

15. My Cart

16. Address Screen with an auto-filling option for logged-in user

17. Payment method/Shipping method chosen

18. Order Preview

19. Promo code applies on order

20. Order Success screen and Failure alerts

21. Login/Register change password forgot password

22. Mail to customer once order successfully placed

23. My Orders and order detail screen

24. Contact us

25. Rate us

26. Share

27. Guest checkout support

28. Onesignal push notification to send promotion banners from one signal account to all customers

29. Easily can change the color theme of the app by changing the color code in a single place

30. User profile update

31. Splash screen

32. Menus

33. Paypal payment gateway integrated

34. Facebook Email Login

35. Contact Us Form

36. Related Products

37. Address Book

38. Store Locator

39. About Menu Screens

If you need any other features other than the demo app features kindly share us the list we will check and share u the cost.