Weight Class

Weight Class

Here you can assign weight specifications to products. This Information page can be found under.

Login to your admin panel go to Admin > System > Localisation > Weight Class.

Weight Title: Type the name of weight measurements such as kilogram, box and packet 

Weight Unit: Enter the units of the measurement. For example, "kg", "box", "pkt".

Value: Enter the value. This value calculates the default value, so set up the one default value. (I choose the weight value pkt so, I fill the value 1)

The weight class information should be created before products are added.

Once all the mandatory (*) are filled click the Save button to save your weight class.

Let’s see how to use this weight class in the product

  1. Open Catalog 
  2. Select any Product 
  3. Second Data tab 
  4. Give the weight class as like the screenshot
  5. Save it. That's all.

Congratulations!!! Now your product weight class is enabled to the public, which will help your customers make an informed decision with their purchase.

Let's take a look at how the weight class will display from the front end of your store.

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