I.AM.RETAILER helps you to display small slide banners by a simple method. Are you excited to see how? then
Let’s take a tour by exploring the setup of Slide Banners.
Log in to your admin panel and go to Admin > Design > Banners.
Status: Change the status “Enabled”.
Image: clicking "Browse Folders" will lead the administrator to the Image manager to upload a new image.
Additional banner image: Press "( + ) Add image" to the additional banner list of the product and the given sort order number determines the sequence of the product image. Click "( - ) Remove" to remove the image from the product.
Finally, check that all the mandatory (*) are filled and pressing the 'Save' button in the upper right corner will save the information.
Let's look, how your banner will reflect the front end of Website
Congrats!!! Now that your banner is ready, you can start to catch the customer's eye and direct them to special products in the store.