When your customer goes through checkout, their order details are automatically transferred to the admin panel orders module section for you to keep track of.
Here, you can view all of the orders made on their site, manually add orders, or edit the details of existing orders.
Order ID, Customer, Status, Total value, Date added and modified column list helps you identify the order list of sales and track of. If you would like to look up a particular order in the list, you can use "Filter" as a shortcut to search for it.
"View" eye button will view the order information. "Edit" will modify the selected order. "Delete" will remove the product selection (including its information) completely.
On the Order view page, there you can check the full order details, history and status. Let's see in more detail.
Orders filled with your customer details, it will be automatically transferred to the Orders section and will be ready to take up the invoice print or shipping print.
Order history
You can add the history of the order to track the status between your team and show it to the customer if you want.
Status: you can update the status of the order. After the order is initially created the status will be "Pending". The default options are Missing Orders, Cancelled, Cancelled Reversal, Chargeback, Complete, Denied, Expired, Failed, Pending, Processed, Processing, Refunded, Reversed, Shipped, and Voided.
Notify customer: If you select the checkbox, then the order status can be visible to your customer. Else, hide to the customer but able to track between your team
Next, Your customer order is completely ready, then you can generate an invoice number.
Click the pencil button to edit the sales order from the view page.
Checking an individual box in the first column will select the order information list within the same row. Once selected, you can choose "Print shipping list" and "Print invoice" in the top left corner.
Click the top left “+” button to create a new Order.
Update these Five tabs corresponding values to create the new order in the admin panel.
Mandatory Operational Marks ( * ) are required to be filled out.
You can add the sales order manually by filling in this tab field and Finally, check that all the mandatory (*) are filled and pressing the 'Save' button in the upper right corner will save the order.
Congratulations !!! Now that your sales order list is ready, start the process of delivering it to your customer from the sales order queue.