Return report helps you gain knowledge about how much return was requested within a certain period of time and use your return process to positively interact with your online customers.
First, select the report type to find specific details of the report and the example screenshot is above. Once selected click the filter to load the report.
Well, now the eight view type Return report
The Return report displays the following information:
Date Start: Choose the date of the first day of the week tracked (if set to the week in Group By).
Date End: Choose the date of the last day of the week tracked (if set to the week in Group By).
No. of return: The number of returns made through the store between the date start and end.
If you would like to look up a particular return, you can use "Filter" as a shortcut to search for it. sales can be filtered by selecting a start, end date and status. "Group by” option allows you to filter out how many returns were requested within a specific time frame. You can select a specific time report, i.e. daily, weekly, monthly or yearly