

Managing and adding products

The Product tab lets you view and create products to the category that you want to get sales on. You can edit Products by clicking the edit pencil button. Product image, name, model, price, quantity and status column list helps you identify the product-wise placed in the app product list. If you would like to look up a product on the product list, you can use "Filter" as a shortcut to search for it.    

Checking an individual box in the first column will select the product information within the same row. Once selected, you can choose to "Copy" or "Delete" the product in the top left corner.


"Copy" will duplicate the product and its information categories. "Delete" will remove the product selection (including its information) completely.

Click the top left “+” button to create a new category.

Note: Mandatory Operational Marks( * ) are required to be filled out.

Update these twelve tabs corresponding values to create the product

First, let's look at the General tab page for what field is required to fill

Product Name*
Give the name of your product
Describe the details of your products
Meta tag title*
The title meta tag and meta tag description of a given type of page are usually displayed whenever that page appears in search engine results.
Meta tag description
The title meta tag and meta tag description of a given type of page are usually displayed whenever that page appears in search engine results.
Product tags
The Given product tag makes it easy to find the customer who is looking for your product. For Eg. If a customer types in this tag in the search box found in the title, the product will be displayed in the search results

Second, Let’s update the Data tab page for what field is required to fill

Create a model number for your product using a combination of letters and numbers. (If required)
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
Give a random code for the product. (If required)
Enter the location where the product is located.(If required)
Set a price for your product.
Tax Class
Select a tax class category on this product that was made Settings > Localisation > Tax Classes. This will apply the tax in the checkout for the product. Select "None" if taxes will not be applied to this product.
Enter the total amount available in the store for this specific product.
Minimum Quantity
The minimum amount of product a customer must reach to add that product to their Shopping Cart.
Subtract Stock
If you select "Yes" option will subtract stock from the quantity of the product (Ex: If there are 100 computers, and a customer buys 2 computers, Subtract Stock will change the quantity to 98).
Out of Stock Status
Select "Out of Stock", "In Stock", "2-3 days", or "Preorder" as the message shown on the product page when the product's quantity reaches 0
Requires Shipping
If the product requires shipping, select "Yes". If not, select "No".
Date Available
The date when this product will become available for purchase.
Enter the length by width by height of the product if there are dimensions to include.
Length Class
It determines the metric units for the dimensions above.
Enter a number for the weight.
Weight Class
Specify the units of weight for the number entered into "Weight".
With this option, you can decide to view or hide the product in the front view of the App Store. If you have disabled it is still available in the admin panel to edit it.
Sort Order
The given number determines the sequence of the product in the ascending order menu. Eg. 1, the sorting sequence 2, 3, and so on.

Third, Let’s update the Links tab page for what field is required to fill

Manufacturer: The Manufacturer section is used to categorize your products by the manufacturer. This section can be accessed under Catalog > Manufacturers.

Categories: You can choose the categories list and list this product under which your categories.

Related product: You can choose the related products to list out below.

Note: The manufacturer and category information should be created before products are added, so the manufacturer and category list can be selected when adding the product.
Fourth, Let’s update the Option tab page for what field is required to fill

Required: Select yes, If you need this field mandatory to fill by your customer.

Option value: You can select the value of size name eg. L, M, S, XL etc.,

Quantity: Enter the size of your specific size product.

Subtract:  select "yes" or “no” to subtract stock. If you selected “yes”, which will reduce the quantity of stock on every sale.

Price: Enter the price value for this particular size of the product. You can add an increase or decrease in price for selected colors.

Points: Enter the points value for this particular size of the product. You can add an increase or decrease in points for selected size.

Weight: Enter the weight value for this particular size of the product. You can add an increase or decrease in points for the selected size.

Note: Options can be created under Catalog > Options. Options could be created prior to adding a product, then added during product creation in the Options tab.

Fifth, Let’s update the Discount page for what field is required to fill

Press "( + ) Add Discount" once the information has been filled in. Click "( - )Remove" to remove the discount from the product

Customer Group:
A group of customers (made in Sales > Customers > Groups) that meet the criteria to use this discount.
The limit for the number of products that can apply this discount.
Adding a priority number such as 1, 2, or 3, will determine when this discount will be used when other discounts are applied to a customer's order. 1 will apply this discount first, while 2 will apply it second, and so on.
Enter the discounted price.
Date Start:
Choose the first date of discount to apply.
Date End:
Choose the last date available for use of the discount; the date the discount will end.

Sixth, Let’s update the Special page for what field is required to fill

The special tab is similar to the discount tab, except that this offer is considered a special, not a discount. Fill in customer group, quantity, priority, price, date start, date end.

Seventh, Let’s update the Image page for what field is required to fill

Image: clicking "Browse Folders" will lead the administrator to the Image manager to upload a new image.

Additional images: Press "( + ) Add image" to additional images of the product and given sort order number determines the sequence of the product image. Click "( - ) Remove" to remove the image from the product

Eighth, Let’s update the SEO page for what field is required to fill

SEO keyword: create a keyword for search engine optimization of this product. It will be seen in the URL of the product page. Therefore, the keyword created must be unique for every product.

Finally, check that all the mandatory (*) are filled and pressing the 'Save' button in the upper right corner will save the information.

Congrats!!! Now that your Product is ready, you can start selling this product.

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