Extension Setup Procedure
Before Install this extension you must check the following file:
File path: admin>>controller>>marketplace>>install.php
Goto line no : 124 and add the below values inside the array $allowed
Procedure to install extension:
(Download our mobile_api.ocmod.zip from code&extension folder)
Login to the Opencart Admin Panel
Choose Extension->Installer from the Left Side Menu
Upload the mobile_api.ocmod.zip
Choose Extension->Modification from the Left Side Menu
Click refresh button at the Top right corner
Choose Extensions->Extension Left Side Menu
Click on the “Choose the extension type” select Box
Choose “Module” option
Find “Shopping Cart Rest API” click Green Color (+) Install Button
(Note : Confirm once Shopping Cart Rest API is selected)
Then Click Blue Color Edit Button
Select Enable Status
Give any IP Address
• Click Generate Key Button
(This will generate key. place this key in Android Application path app>src>main>java>com.iamretailer>common>appconstants.java value variable and change the domain with your domain)
Click the Save button at the Top Right Corner
Choose Systems->Users->API Left Side Menu
Click Blue color + symbol add button
Give API User Name: x-oc-merchant-id
Click Generate Button
Choose Status as enable
Select IP Address Tab, Give any Ip Address just give 1 enough
Click Save Button Top Right Corner
Done. You have been successfully installed the mobile extension and app connected with your application.