The Information section displays specific company information on the website and Apps. This Information page can be found under

Catalog >> Information
On this page, you will have the option to edit, delete, or insert a new Information page.
Checking an individual box in the first column will select the information within the same row. Once selected, you can choose to "Delete" the product in the top left corner.
Click the top left “+” button to create new information
Update these four tabs corresponding values to create the information

Mandatory Operational Marks( * ) are required to be filled out.
First, let's look at the General tab page for what field is required to fill
Field | Description |
Information title* | Give the title of your information (eg. Terms & conditions) |
Description | Describe the details of your information |
Meta tag title* | The title meta tag and meta tag description of a given type of page are usually displayed whenever that page appears in search engine results. |
Meta tag description | The title meta tag and meta tag description of a given type of page are usually displayed whenever that page appears in search engine results. |
Second, let's look at the data tab page for what field is required to fill.
Field | Description |
Bottom | Select this checkbox, if you required to show this information in the footer |
Status | With this option, you can decide to view or hide the information in the front view of the App Store. If you have disabled it is still available in the admin panel to edit it. |
Sort Order | The given number determines the sequence of the information in the ascending order menu. Eg. 1, the sorting sequence 2, 3, and so on. |

About us, delivery information, privacy policy and terms and conditions are the default because they are the most important information pages used in online stores. We recommend editing these pages instead of deleting them.
Finally, check that all the mandatory (*) are filled and pressing the 'Save' button in the upper right corner will save the information.
On the website, you can see this information in the footer of every page
In website view
Congrats!!! Now your company information is enabled to the public, Which will help your customers make an informed decision with their purchase.
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