We hope this video answers the question of how to use country, what info can get, keep watch this video because it was created for all your questions related to this country
Here you can manage countries and enabled countries are used in calculating the shipping, payment location and taxes. This Countries list page can be found under Log in to your admin panel and go to System> go to system> localization> country. ...
Here you can manage countries and enabled countries are used in calculating shipping, payment location and taxes. This Countries list page can be found under Log in to your admin panel and go to System> Localization> Country. Obviously, all countries ...
Here you can manage countries and enabled countries are used in calculating the shipping, payment location and taxes. This Countries list page can be found under Log in to your admin panel and go to System> Localization> Country. Obviously, all ...
Geo zones are customized zones used in calculating shipping and taxes. We can add Multiple countries and zones can be added to one geo zone to customize shipping methods. Let’s take a tour by exploring the setup of zones. Log in to your admin panel ...
Geo zones are customized zones used in calculating shipping and taxes. We can add Multiple countries and zones can be added to one geo zone to customize shipping methods. Let’s take a tour by exploring the setup of zones. Log in to your admin panel ...