The Banner tab allows you to view and add the banner you want to advertise. Create a banner item with the banner name App banner (must use the same name). You can edit banners by clicking the Pencil Edit button. An enabled column helps you understand which banner is activated for use.
Click the pencil button to add a new banner
Status: With this option, you can decide to view or hide the banner list in the front view of the App Store. If you have disabled it is still available in the admin panel to edit it.
Additional banner image: Press "( + ) Add image" to the additional banner list of the product and the given sort order number determines the sequence of the product image. Click "( - ) Remove" to remove the image from the product
Finally, check that all the mandatory (*) are filled and pressing the 'Save' button in the upper right corner will save the information.
Congrats!!! Now that your banner is ready, you can start to catch the customer's eye and direct them to special products in the store.
An App view